Welcome to Dancebreak!

What is Dancebreak?

Dancebreak is a weekly, free, DJed casual social dancing event for the Stanford community, featuring a variety of dance styles with a focus on waltz and swing! Come hang out with our campus’s largest social dancing crew, practice styles taught in Richard Powers’s Social Dance class series, learn new moves, and have fun with us. No dance experience or partner needed.

We dance every Monday night, usually in Roble 113 7-9pm (but this is extremely subject to change—the best way to keep up is through our mailing list). Join us for social dancing, classes, snacks, and community!

If you don’t know how to social dance, we have lessons (almost) every week! See the list of workshops for details, or check out the schedule for the next few weeks below. Many of our members also teach during Austria Fortnight, the two weeks leading up to the Stanford Viennese Ball.

Upcoming Lessons

Last updated: March 23, 2025

Mon. 3/24EVGR C1537-8PMRedowa
Mon. 3/31TBDTBD (Probably 7-8PM)TBD

Unless otherwise noted, lessons are beginner-friendly (i.e., no dance experience needed or expected). No need to come with a partner—we rotate partners often in class.

Each lesson is followed by a two-hour DJed social dance.

More Info


We do all sorts of social dances, including these (click the links to see videos):

Waltzes/PolkasSwing/Club DancesLatin DancesLine DancesChoreographies
Rotary WaltzWest Coast SwingSalsaTokyo PolkaCross-Step Mixer
Cross-Step WaltzLindy HopCha-ChaBus StopShim Sham
Viennese/Fast WaltzFusionTangoBarbieBohemian National Polka
PolkaNightclub 2-StepBachataNight FeverRomany Polka
SchottischeHustleMerengueShiversDawn Mazurka